Thread: hello all
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Old 05-03-2008, 08:12 AM   #2
Easy Rider
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Re: hello all

Originally Posted by desi_555

1. Which is better GZ250/REBEL250/VULCAN500
2. Do i need to get learners permit before attending MTC (Motorcycle training course)
3. Is it costly to maintain a bike, i mean all the oil changes and maintainence things
Welcome to our humble little group!

1) The GZ...of course! :cool:
The best one for YOU is the one YOU like the best. Honestly.

2) Check with the MTC people or your DMV. Good idea even if not required.
Best to take the course before you buy a bike.

3) Not usually......if you get a bike less than 5 years old that is in good condition.
Loud pipes risk rights!
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