Re: Electrical Trouble
<geezer> - All signals appear to be working correctly regardless of indicator light behavior - but I will check more closely under all scenarios.
<Sarris> - Yes, "minimal" is a good word for the gz250 electrical system. I had replaced a bulb in my non-working right rear turn signal with a WalMart-bought Sylv 1141 LL (12.8v, 18.4w) with no success only to find (luckily) a loose wire connection under my seat as the culprit. But I believe I put back the OEM bulb.
<bonehead> - Thanks to this site, I feel confident I can successfully check the indicator bulb to either replace or check for looseness. This will be the first thing I do when I have some time.
Folks, I really appreciate the input! I'm getting the sense that my "weak battery" theory isn't getting any traction here but instead you are advising me to check bulbs and connections...will do. Will keep you posted if I find something.
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