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Old 06-11-2011, 12:59 PM   #18
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Posts: 52
Re: Oil Leak/ Gasket

Not sure my life could get much worse atm with these dang oil leaks!!!!!! I have attached a photo with another oil leak coming from underneath the engine case. The drip that shows in the picture is hanging off the magneto side (and is a different leak from my post above about the bolt).Is there a gasket that's right there in the middle of the engine case? I'm not seeing one in my parts manual.

I suspect that I will be taking the bike to the shop to get worked on in coming days, but wanted to get parts bought before taking it in. If anyone has had similar leaks from underneath the engine case and has a possible source where it may be coming from, I'd be interested in hearing in case I'm over looking a specific place.
:poorbaby: :cuss:
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