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Old 06-09-2011, 02:14 PM   #9
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Cape Girardeau, MO
Posts: 90
Re: New owner, new rider

I thought I read somewhere on here that a brand new bike cost $3,000? I could be wrong. That is a very nice looking bike! You will probably want to change the oil filter every other oil change. They are expensive at Autozone, like $15, but if you order from eBay or Amazon, you can get them for $7-8. I know its a dealer, but unless you have paperwork, I would be hesitant to trust word of mouth. If you decide to change the oil yourself, make sure you use the right oil plug. There are two plugs right next to each holds the cam shaft stopper, the other is the actual oil plug. First time I change the oil, I took out the wrong plug and found a little metal plunger thing and a spring fall out, freaked me out. Not a big deal if you take out the wrong plug, just put the stuff back in, in the right order, and take the other one out.

I have a question for your first gear synchronized?
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