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Old 05-10-2011, 06:54 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Northern VA area
Posts: 36
Making it more obvious that a bike is in the parking spot.

So, when got my motorcycle, I literally got home with the bike and the sky was threatening to rain.

So, I ran over to Target and bought a generic motorcycle cover. The problem is that it's a dark blue that makes the bike all but invisible in my parking space in front of my house.

I'm kinda worried about some idiot pulling into my space and knocking my bike over. I thought about adding some reflective tape to the cover, but I was concerned that it wouldn't stay on the cover in the hot sun on the days I don't ride.

Any other suggestions for gadgets for the parking spot or improvements to the cover, to make it more obvious that my bike is occupying this parking spot?

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