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Old 03-26-2011, 12:52 AM   #5
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Posts: 6
Re: upgrading bikes? m50, warrior

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
You asked for opinions and here is mine now. You don't need to upgrade for quite a while. You still don't know what the GZ can do for you. Do get into a rider training course as soon as possible. Also pick up a copy of Proficient Motorcycling by David Hough. Read it cover to cover and keep it for a riding reference. Develop your riding skills on the GZ and train your reflexes until everything on the bike is a natural feeling and reaction.
Consider an upgrade at the end of the season MAYBE. Don't be in a hurry to go big. Bigger is not always better and can hurt you if you aren't ready.
The M-50 would be an excellant upgrade when it is time. We have one here and it is a good bike with enough get up and go to do the job. A nicer midsize touring bike would be the C-50 but still manageable around town. I almost bought one last summer myself. A good bang for your buck overall.
Looked up the Warrior. That thing is a monster. I rode a MT 01 Yamaha with the same engine. Too big and vibrated way too much for my liking. Besides having an engine 2 times the size of the M-50 the Warrior is also in a far higher price range. More than 2 times the M-50.
Don't mean to sound harsh in any way but that's the way I see it.

Thanks for your opinion! I'll have to look up that book. As far as rushing to upgrade, that isn't the case. I love everything about the gz other than the fact that it truly isn't much good above 55 or 60. two up riding is of no concern right now since I can't do it with my temps anyway. I was just curious why people warned new riders of big displacement bikes. I wasn't sure if it was cause the weight causes them to drop them or not be able to control them or if the power gets the rider into trouble. Or if it was cause the heavy weight makes it hard to learn slow speed maneuvering.

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