Thread: DOT and Snell
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Old 03-10-2011, 12:25 AM   #7
Water Warrior 2
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Re: DOT and Snell

Very few if any flip ups are Snell Approved for a couple reasons. First, the manufacturer has to lay out some big change for the testing and right to use the label if they pass the test. Second, the Snell Foundation just hasn't got around to testing flip up hats yet.
There has been some discussion for the past few years as to whether the Snell standards may be too severe for moto riders. Meaning the Snell hats are too robust and do not have enough give when suffering an impact at normal riding speeds. So unless you plan on impacting a wall at 140 mph you probably won't need it. Of course at 140 the rest of the body is just so much hamburger anyway. DOT helmets will do just fine when it counts. As per usual, here it my plug for ATGATT. Protect your joints and hard parts. Hands, feet, elbows, knees, shoulders, hips. You get the picture.
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