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Old 03-02-2011, 03:50 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Abbotsford, BC
Posts: 29
Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlow?

Hi all,

I've been riding for about 2 months now and I really like my GZ!! :2tup: ... The only issue is that I just went back to school and now I have to commute everyday (about 80 kms round trip). So far I've been taking the back roads to get to the university, but sometimes when I'm late or I need to get earlier I'd really like to be able to take the highway... I tried once, it was scary!! and it felt like the engine was about to explode!! I mean, it sound it like it would not last long if I kept that pace :lol: (100 km/h or 60 mph). Maybe I'm just exaggerating because I guess I'm not used to the bike's engine sound yet :??: I really don't know...

To make the long story short (even though is not that short anymore...) I'm starting to feel that probably the GZ is not the best choice for what I need now (daily commute) and I'm gonna need a bigger bike soon, maybe 2-3 months from now when I feel confident enough ridding to handle a bigger, heavier, and more powerful bike. Having said that, I was starting to look for bigger bikes just to have an idea of the budget, and I came across the Boulevard M50 Special Edition (black/orange, beautiful bike!) and the H-D Sportster XL883L Superlow (is more money, but I'm planning to finance it)... Anyway, what do you guys think about these 2 models? Have any of you driven both bikes? Any preferences? Is it a fair comparison? :??:

All comments are accepted... Thanks a lot! :2tup:

[attachment=1:34t2q9qd]M50 SE.jpg[/attachment:34t2q9qd]
[attachment=0:34t2q9qd]Sportster Superlow.jpg[/attachment:34t2q9qd]
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