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Old 03-01-2011, 08:27 AM   #7
music man
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Re: Miss the Input.....

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
, mine differs in that I find this to be a much more relaxed and friendly place, and still the knowledgeable advice flows freely with good will towards all.

I thought I was the only one that had noticed. But no seriously, its not just that this board changed a little when he got banned, it changed A LOT. Think real hard about just how many arguments and "pissing contests" or just flat out verbal assaults on someone for no apparent reason there have been on here since he got banned, I personally can't name ONE. When is the last time this board went that long without something like that happening, my guess would be never considering Easy was on this board for most of its existence.

And I have seen plenty of helpful posts on here since then, and not one of the people that came on here asking for help, needing to be verbally assaulted to get the advice they needed. If you can't see that treating people like that, whether you know better then they do or not, is completely unnecessary, and just down right mean and hateful, and in no way is done with good intentions, then I can see why you would want to leave this place.

I am with Dupo, if you can't see that this board is a better place without Easy Rider, then you don't belong here. Its not like Easy said one simple thing wrong and got booted, if that were the case most of us wouldn't be on here. Its that no matter how many times he was told, or hell sometimes almost begged to stop his ranting and pointless verbal attacks on people just for not agreeing with him, he just simply refused, then in the ultimate act of ignorance on his part (and fittingly his last post) he called out the ADMIN.

So I don't feel sorry for him one bit, he was quite simply an A@#HOLE and deserved what happened to him. I hope you don't go because of that.

Don't leave because your sad that one A@#hole got booted, stay because of all the new cool people that have been added BECAUSE he got booted.
"Tell me what kind of wreck you're going to have and I'll tell you what type of helmet you need." [Author Unknown]
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