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Old 03-01-2011, 12:09 AM   #6
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Re: Miss the Input.....

It's not about him stopping people from making mistakes, its about him trying to tell people what to do if he did not agree with them. He was set in his ways and if you did not do as he did then you were verbally reprimanded, called names, degraded..... need i go on?

If you think that is acceptable behavior in any situation, then i suggest you not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

I dealt with his bullshit since I opened this forum. I dealt with his bullshit on another shadow forum, where he tried telling them they were irresponsible assholes for riding with loud pipes (to which he was banned there as well). I will not be told by anyone what i do with my bike. Be it the paint job, wheels, tires i use, what gear i wear or how loud my pipes are .... its MY ride, MY decision and not there for you to degrade or verbally attack me over because you are too fucking close minded to let anyone make their own decisions on personal tastes.

EasyRider was an old, miserable, close minded little man who had no social skills whatsoever or common courtesy towards his fellow board members. Good riddance to him!!!

I'm sorry you feel bad for him. I'm also sorry that you, in some weird way, agree with his tactics and executions of his mindless rants. So, good luck on the other GZ boar..... oh wait, thats right. There ISN'T another GZ board. So I'll just give you a 'good luck' instead.

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