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Old 02-28-2011, 10:16 AM   #1
Fish Baseball
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: melbourne vic
Posts: 116
Miss the Input.....

Well Guys its been grand but I'm thinking due to teh recent developments on this board that my time is done. I respect many of you out there, but I have serious issue with the way that Easy Rider was treated. I accept that many people found him hard to get along with, and that his attitude to some "noob" questions usually where somewhat on the harsh side, but the simple fact remains that we have lost a very good resource of information and experience, and it was dealt with in such a way to leave a very bad taste in this bikers mouth. To put it simply, Easy IMHO only had good intentions, and tried to stop people making very stupid mistakes. I'll be the first to admit that his remarks at times could be considered hurtful and insulting, but I don't think that he intended them to be this way, its just the man he is.

So thanks for all the help and advice to this point, but the politics that this board endulges in is far beyond what I signed on for.

Cheers and keep it upright guys.
Beneath the Southern Cross I stand.

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