Hi all, thanks for your replies...
Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
I like that color.
jonathan180iq, I really like the color too! Actually, that was my deal sealer!! And because it was in mint conditions...
Originally Posted by alantf
Just a heads up. The bike you've bought is a Canadian/European spec. This means that it's set up richer than the American bikes (the American bikes are set up weaker to comply with their emission regs) That means that you should ignore anything posted on this site, with regard to carb mods. :2tup:
Hey alantf, thanks for the info, I had no idea about this difference... Good for me I guess! :2tup:
alanmcorcoran, thanks for your detailed explanation... Now I think I'll have a better idea of what to look for in a jacket...
Although my wife saw the Olympia Viper in black and neon yellow and she really liked it! She even told me that it could be my early anniversary present!! :rawk: :2tup:
And the best part is that my black rain jacket fits really good on top of the Olympia jacket... So, it could not be better!
Anyway, thanks all for your help and replies... It has been really helpful