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Old 02-10-2011, 10:42 PM   #4
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Re: Small city government soap opera.

While I support the general idea that people should live where they represent (see Hillary Clinton and New York) I thought the Rahm Emmanual thing was sort of political bullshit. Okay, so perhaps the guy is a hard nosed asshole (which I don't really have a problem with) but to claim he's a resident of Washington D.C., when he went there to serve in the Obama Administration directly FROM Chicago, where he lived previously and still owns his house (he temporarily rented it out and the people in it refused to vacate it when he went back) just sounded like underhanded political maneuvering by the opposition. This kind of thinking might prevent many congressmen from CA from claiming to live in CA unless they maintained an (unoccupied) house here as well as DC, which they maybe can't afford to and is, frankly stupid.

I spend a lot of time in Chicago - However, I don't know a lot about the other candidates but I sense that Rahm is the clear front runner and I'd put my money on him to win. Given the sordid history of city, county and state government in that neck of the woods, I suspect there are far worse things about some od the candidates (and maybe the winner) that will be uncovered in the course of the election or afterwards. (Some of their governors currently reside in... prison.)

I do find it annoying when city, state and federal officials do not follow the laws they wrote to apply to the rest of us. All those scofflaws in Texas should get a nice municipal kick in the ass and pay their back fines, penalties and interest.
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