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Old 02-10-2011, 03:09 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Lubbock, TX
Posts: 629
Small city government soap opera.

After the Rahm Emanuel mayorial eligibility controversy it looks like someone looked into the eligibility of our Lubbock city officials. The city charter does not allow anyone to hold elected office if they owe the city money.

One city council member owes the city $10,000 in back taxes. The District Attorney is working on prosecuting that. Then a few days later we find a second council member owed back taxes. NOW, it turns out the DA working the cases ALSO owes the city! So the city is going to look for an outside attorney. Maybe they will all be dismissed, but I suspect the 'good old boy' system will somehow allow them to stay in office. But that would likely bring on lawsuits, so I will wait and see.

Every couple of years something like this hits Lubbock. Our previous mayor lost his reelection bid by backing red light cameras and getting them installed, against the will of the people. When a stink was made about it, he called the citizens "cavemen". The new mayor's first act was to get the cameras removed.
2007 Shadow Spirit 750

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