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Old 02-01-2011, 09:37 PM   #2
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Re: Is this markup normal?

It's a typical starting point. If the bike is popular and in short supply, it may also be the ending point. Typically new bikes are loaded with $500 shipping fee $200-$400 assembly fee and possibly some other fees (safety check) and then you have the tax and registration fees.

You'll do a lot better if you look at an '09. I don't know about that particular model (I think it is one of the more popular ones) but it's not unusual for a larger dealer to have "NEW" bikes that are two and even as much as three years old. I bought my second two bikes as "New" old models after I got hosed on my "NEW" new GZ.

If he didn't really think you were ready to buy, he may have "blown you out the door." This is what salesmen do when they don't want to waste time with a "tire-kicker." (Don't ask me how I know this...)

If you do your homework, even if the bike is popular, you should be able to find a "new" new one somewhere for list, plus shipping plus tax. About 4800! I bought an '09 KLR for about 2K below list plus shipping and tax.

Good luck. BTW the dealer doesn't care whether you have tax or finance. In fact, many times they make more money off you if you finance. They only care if you have cash if you aren't credit worthy.
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