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Old 01-16-2011, 10:36 AM   #538
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Lancaster PA
Posts: 18
Re: Tag-o-rama Gone Global

I did a 130 mile ride today. It was a mission for the Patriot Guard Riders, which I just joined recently. This was my first mission. It was the funeral of a Ranger killed in action in Afghanistan November 30. He came from a small town in Mass. It was 22 degrees this morning when three of us started the ride down. We escorted the procession, and formed flag lines at the service and the cemetery. It was awesome! The show of support really made a difference to a lot of people. And, despite it being cold everywhere in the region this morning, there were 63 bikes there! A couple came down from Maine to Sudbury, MA!
Thank you for being part of such a good thing. My cousin was a Marine killed in Iraq in 2005. The patriot guard escorted his body from the funeral home to the church for the viewing. They were also there the next day for the service. I never got a chance to thank them for what they did, so I thank all PGR now that i can find. Thank goodnes those wesboro idiots did not show up, but it was nice to know the PGR were there.
Thanks to all Patriot Guard Riders.
God bless America.
God bless the american soilder.

Safe riding.
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