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Old 12-17-2010, 03:09 PM   #2
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Re: Hello from Toronto!

Hi there, & welcome to the madhouse.

Answers :- (1) dunno, but there's all the manuals needed, available for download "free" on this site.
(2) No.
(3) ??? (you'll soon see, when you get your bike.)

One big point. The carb is the Achilles heel of The GZ. Before you get the bike, invest in a can of fuel additive/carb cleaner, & be prepared to use it in your tank as soon as you feel the need.

Another big point - Ignore any posts on this site about re-jetting etc of the carb. If you've got the Canadian spec bike, it's the same as my European bike, & different to the American bikes. It's got more power, due to the American emission laws making the bike run so lean as to be almost unbelievable.

Having said all that, I reckon you'll like the bike. I've had mine for nearly 4 years now, & I still love riding it. Just don't try too much freeway riding, as this bike, like all 250s, doesn't like being pushed at full revs for long periods of time. :2tup:

BTW don't even think about "tune up stuff". This just isn't the bike for that, & any difference a tune up would make would be minimal at most.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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