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Old 12-17-2010, 02:09 PM   #1
Dave Dark
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Ottawa, ON
Posts: 34
Hello from Toronto!

Hi There!

My name is David and I live in Toronto Ontario Canada. I've been wanting to ride for about two years. I got my M2 last summer and was waiting to buy a bike this winter because I heard it was cheaper.

Last week, at the Motorcycle show, I saw an awesome price for a brand new 2010 GZ250 Marauder. I was going to buy used but the idea of having a brand new anything really appealed to me. The dealer is storing it for me right now and hopefully it will stop snowing by April so I can start cruising about.

I'm really glab I found this message board. Everybody seems very helpful and supportive. I'm planning on doing my own maintenance (am I crazy?) so I'll prbably be calling upon all of you for your help and advice.

Three quick questions -

1) Is there a Haynes or Clymer manual for this bike?
2) I have a 2010. Is there really any difference between my bike and any of the earlier models?
3) I want to do my own maintenance but I don't have that much experience. Am I going to regret doing my own maintenance? Could I possible 'screw up' my bike by trying any of the general tune up stuff?

Thanks in advance and I am glad to be a part of this wonderful group!!!
Check out my website:

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