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Old 12-16-2010, 12:44 PM   #35
Easy Rider
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Re: I got a 5th gear problem..

Originally Posted by opacha
I figured it out, sort of... if i hold the gear selector up with my foot, then 5th gear works without any surging. Now I have to figure out what needs to be done to solve the problem without holding the selector up. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
"Sort of" is pretty accurate. :biggrin:

There is NOTHING in the transmission that will cause the bike to surge......except maybe the clutch.....and certainly nothing that would be affected by holding the shift lever UP.

You may be putting some pressure on the side stand switch .......which would be pretty close to your left foot, IIRC, and that could definitely cause it to cut out when going down the road.

Or you may actually have a slipping clutch and the shift lever thing is just a dream. :roll:
How's the slack in your clutch cable ??
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