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Old 12-07-2010, 11:05 PM   #6
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Re: Looking For The Right Ride


I have three bikes including the Geezer (which is the oldest and smallest of the three.) One of the others is an 1850cc cruiser and the other is a KLR 650. The Geezer is still my preferred bike for around town. I am 5'11, about 160ish.

The Geezer is not meant for freeway speeds but it is excellent for running around on what we call "the surface" streets out here. Also gets good mileage and uses regular gas. Besides not being able to consistently go 70 or over, the biggest complaint is the carburetor. If you ride regularly it probably won't be an issue but the TU might be worth investigating. Not sure I'd pay $1000 for the FI -and I think the TU has a dinky front wheel IIRC.

Good luck - let us know what you get and how you like it...
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