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Old 12-07-2010, 03:09 PM   #4
Water Warrior 2
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Location: Squamish B.C Canada
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Re: Looking For The Right Ride

Welcome Lefty. Both the TU and GZ have their strong points to consider. The GZ of course is by far more common and has a bit more aftermarket support while the TU is still relatively an unknown entity to the aftermarket. But don't rule out the TU for that reason because if there is a need for stuff you will find a way to adapt or make your own stuff. The TU will have you sitting a slight bit more erect with feet farther rearward for the sit up and beg posture. The TU has FI which is far less troublesome than a carb in the long run and more precise in fuel metering. Both bikes are pretty much care free, the GZ has proven this and the TU has a proven design and a common heritage from other Suzuki products world wide.
Do a lot of test sits on the bikes, get a feel for controls, reach to the bars, how does the seat fit your seat, leg position while sitting and how much bend is in your legs.
On your travels to and fro you might want to pick up a copy of Proficient Motorcycling by David Hough and make arrangements for a rider training course. This will make your riding career far more enjoyable and safer.
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