Hello from Canada
Hey everyone.
Just bought my first bike, it's a 2001 GZ 250, got a pretty sweet deal from a girl that was quitting riding due to her 2nd pregnancy. Picked it up for only $1600 Canadian, it's in pretty nice shape despite the fact she dropped it once(few dents and scratches but nothing i can't deal with), and only has a little over 5000km on it. Took it out for a spin the other day, but it's snowing up here now so it'll be in the garage till the spring. I'm turning it into a bobber over the winter, I've always been partial to the "Mad Max" look. Been looking at a few of your projects and I'm getting a lot of cool ideas.
A little about me(for those who care/are bored):
I'm 27, Carpenter by day, Musician by night. I'm in a couple bands for fun, my main project is Devoured, we're a Death Metal band :rawk: , definitely not for the faint at heart. We have a new CD being produced by Neil Kernon(look him up if you don't know who he is). Other then the band I'm pretty much a normal dude, go to work, hang out with my girl, go camping year round, ride my Seadoo and fish in the summer. I've been wanting a bike for years just never got off my rear end to go get one, and the bands don't exactly leave me with much free time or money. I can't wait to start tearing this bike apart and get it back out on the road!
Any other canucks posting here?
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