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Old 11-16-2010, 04:30 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Palm Bay FL
Posts: 32
New 16 tooth front sprocket noise?

2003 GZ250, 6500 miles. New rider and bike owner.

I just replaced the front sprocket with a 16 tooth from bikebandit. Easy instll overall but had a hell of a time getting off the 30mm nut. But after doing the change I now hear a low whiny noise that patterns the sprocket speed. Checked to make sure all is tight and the nut was set to correct torque. I know its not the valves b/c one, if already had a noise from them and will be checking/adjusting them soon and two, its only there when the sprocket is turning/bike moving, not there at idle. Has anyone had this issue? Also, I noticed a slight play in the sprocket that may or may not have been there before. When moving the bike in neutral forward and backward there is about an 1/2 play before engaging the front sprocket??? Bike runs fine except for the noise. Should I be alarmed?


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