Thread: Exhaust
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Old 11-15-2010, 03:06 PM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Posts: 159
Re: Exhaust

just checked valves... nothing out of ordinary
exhaust is between a .03 and .04
the intake is at .02

Drained the Carburator... and either there was water in the emptying hose or its in the gas itself?
because there were droplets in the gas when i emptied it into a clear glass bowl (dried before the carb was emptied)

either way.. fill the carb fuel hose with carb medic to fill the carb itself.
added gas..

starts fine.. mid range is normal

but when i get up to a hill at 80-100 kms it seems to over rev out of my control. Very unlike the GZ.

recent oil change.. recent air filter. reversed the needle shim mod i had done. and shes 16 toothed.

any ideas
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