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Old 11-07-2010, 01:51 PM   #18
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: ray city, ga
Posts: 121
Re: Yet another thread about Easy Rider Being a Hard Headed

i can agree with 95% of all the stuff in this thread thus far. i've been active on internet forums since 2000... when i first got onto the web and found out what its all about. in that time, i've been on other forums where i was made to be the laughing stock of their group for something i did. as a user, i deleted the thread i started. (on that forum, the OP could delete their thread) the moderator being the flaming asshole he was, reopened the thread, stickied it and posted how i deleted my thread, but my "mistake" should be posted across the web for all to see. lameass. ofcourse i left the forum and i posted the link to that thread for all to see just what a load of assholes they were. out of a mass of members, ONE guy supported me and told them to lay off. he restated several things that i had already stated myself in previous posts to that thread, but it was taken at face value just because he said it. so. i've seen... and been the butt of worse that i've seen on here so far.

that forum put meaning to the saying "as long as there is internet, the weak will always have balls"

as for this.
some of it is silly. some of it is careless posting. alot of it is childish posturing.

i grew thick skin a long time ago. i'm a moderator on semi-large forum. ( and i make it my point to NOT post out of frustration or anger. still. we're all human.. and we can only take "so much" before making it plainly clear to everyone that we've had enough.

part of that 95% i agree with... i'll meet and have a drink with any one of you guys. we should always remember that sarcasm isnt as easily recognizable online as it in in person either.
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