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Old 01-14-2008, 02:48 PM   #8
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Spain
Posts: 102
Sorry, I didn't read the case about your "leaking" petcock... It shouldn't cause any problems unless the needle valve of the float system is worn, letting fuel in. Anyway, you should get more problems in that situation.
You can check that no fuel enters the carb when valve is closed, and also the float system height: 13 +- 0.5 mm from carb body to the bottom of the buoyancy when needle valve is closed. Running at "PRI" can help you ruling out any defects in the petcock.

Considering that the pilot jet isn't the culprit at all, and that -if I've understood finely- the idle problem appears only in warm situation, it could be not because of a lean mixture, but because of a very rich one. So, a blocked starter plunger could be the culprit, as there are no many other parts involved in the idle.

Finally, you can try the bike at the critical point without air filter, to rule out it. Remember that it gets dirty in the inner surface, so you won't see the dirt looking at it.

I wish I could inspect your bike personally, but I'm so far away. :blush:
Trying my best in English
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