Originally Posted by EE
this seems to be a common issue with these bikes.. i would appeciate any advice before we take it in.
What leads you to believe this is a common problem "with these bikes" ??
It is likely a common problem for ANY carb'ed vehicle that only has 1000 miles in 4 years !!! :roll:
Two likely causes: Idle jet plugged or a vacume leak ........around the boot connecting carb to engine or the vacume hose going to the petcock.
Did you do all that "tune up" work trying to solve this problem or did it show up after?
What kind of "solvent" ??
Most likely it's the idle jet. If you fill the carb with real carb cleaner (Gumout or Berryman's B12) full strength and let it sit for a few days, you might get some results. Probably need to clean that idle jet out with a fine wire, however, and then some carb cleaner in the gas after that to finish the job.