Lucky Rider
So I was riding home this afternoon about 12:30. I am going home on a 45 mph road that is two lanes going south and two lanes headed north. The north south lanes are devided by a grassy strip with small trees about 4 feet wide. I am doing about 47 mph no cars around me in either direction. All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye to the right there is a flash of brown. I tilt my head slightly to the left towards the flash of brown on the grassy meridian. The brown flash is now a medium sized deer that is flipping upward with legs flying above it. in a backwards summersault. As I am in the inside lane this acrobatics of the deer takes place about two feet from me. It happened in a split second. In a flash I am past the deer never having time to hit my brakes or swerve or anything. What happened? I did not see what happened to the deer. There were no cars in either side of the road. The deer must have been running towards me on my 8 o'clock. A torpedo headed directly for me. Did the deer suddenly see me and do this flip to avoid me? The small trees planted last fall had been placed with support ropes but most of the supports were removed this summer. I rode back by the scene and noticed a few trees still had them. Though they were staked only 1.5 - 2 feet from the trunks of the small trees. The supports also did not travel very high up the trunks either. It would not have been easy for a deer to get under and between the rope, but I guess it was possible. Either way I am one very lucky Hombre.
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