Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Good luck. There are carb experts on here - I am certain they will all weigh in. Take all of the advice, and add it up and divide by the number of posts.
thats funny...
the throttle cables are fine. when the idle hangs, i can twist the throttle a little harder closed. it goes no farther than it was and has no effect. the airbox is nice and clean. drain is clean as well with the cap in place. air filter is spotless.
as for the valve adjustment, i've got to order a gage with the right thickness. mine doesnt go that far down. the one i have was actually a couple hundredths of a milimeter thicker than called for, but i adjusted it tighter than i normally would have, but in any case the same amount of tension was achived in inserting/removing the gage. once i get the right gage, i'll be taking her apart and readjusting the valves. i'll put it into perspective. when I took it apart, a
feeler gage slid right in there. :shocked:
80% of the topend noise is gone now. should be resolved 100% once i get the new gage in.
i haven't tried the fuel mixture. i looked it up once, but I didnt drill the plug out. might be my next adjustment along with shimming the needle.