irratic idle
hey, guys. got an issue that has been nagging on the wife's GZ for a while now. The idle is all over the place. I'd think it was a vaccum leak, but there really isnt one. I finally got a replacement choke cable in, so I replaced it. The bike was completely unridable before this. With no tach, I could only guess it wanted to idle around 2500-3000 rpm. Mainly due to the choke, I know. I went ahead and pulled the carb and broke it down. i cleaned the whole thing out. There was some ugly residue that came out, but only a very small amount. The only place where there was any real evidence of gumming up was... guess... the "choke". (more of a manual enrichment....) I also did a valve adjustment. the top end was horribly noisy. well. i got the exhaust right, but I dont have the smaller gage for the intake... so I guessed at it. It ain't perfect, but its a LOT better than before.
The idle is whacky. if youre cruising and slow down, you can tell that it doesnt return all the way down. after you come to a stop, the idle hangs a tad high. drag the clutch and it comes down and stays there. if you rev it a little, sometimes it eases back down, sometimes it hangs up there a bit. its more annoying than a hazzard to riding or damage. All the vent lines are routed like they should be, includeing the "fuel pump" vaccum line to the fuel valve.
Any thoughts?
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