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Old 10-13-2010, 03:12 PM   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: gainesville, fl
Posts: 137
Re: Buying a bike -- importance of age vs. mileage

I would agree also. I bought a 2002 last year with 4200 miles on it. So far i've replaced:

choke cable
clutch cable
front brake pads
bolts for the headers (twice..grrrr...)

BUT I ride every day and don't have a garage. Young GZ gets rained on, sweaty, dirty, and covered in bugs on a daily basis. If someone had a garage and only rode in the warm sunshine it might be a different story. Plus, it SAT in a garage from 2002-2006 with 400 miles on it before the 2nd owner had it (I'm the third). Also, none of these things are very expensive except the tires, and even if you buy a 2006 you might want to get new tires anyway. I'm not sure how long batteries last but you might need a new one of those too.
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- Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
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