Thread: Tire pressure
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Old 10-12-2010, 11:52 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 180
Tire pressure

Hello all,

Ok, so I was trying to find out what pressure to run my tires at, and was checking out this thread (I was a good boy, and used the search! Lol) :


It seems like a fair number of people mentioned something between the high 20' and mid 30's as far as a psi to run the tires at. Well, I took my bike in to a local shop to have them check the front tire for some wobbling, and the grumpy old guy that looked it over basically reemed me a little because the pressures were at 22psi (which is my bad - too low) and 28psi - he said they were both WAY too low, that they should be AT LEAST 40psi.

So my question is, was he just extremely grumpy cuz his wife didn't give him any the night before (or because she actually did, a la Al Bundy! Ha ha :lol: ),
is even 28 psi way too low, and should I run them both at 40 psi? What say you?

AZ Kev
ATGATT - Road rash sucks, and the asphalt doesn't care how "cool" you look...

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