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Old 10-08-2010, 05:21 PM   #17
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Is there a "sweet spot" when downshifting?

Originally Posted by blaine
W.W my main concern was that he said that he shifts down all gears without letting out the clutch in between each gear.With that practice the downshifts will be noisier than need be.Also if he happens to let the clutch out abruptly after dropping two or three gears without slowing down he will be in a world of hurt.

Yup, that makes sense. I will ocassionally do that myself while slowing but one needs to be in tune with road speed and engine RPM in any given gear.
In rider training we were taught(emergency braking)to keep shifting down quickly to match our diminishing speed. So one day I got to do some real practice when a forest rat leaped up onto the highway. Both levers pulled back, rear brake pressed, shifting down rapidly and air horn activated. Deer took a powder and I continued on. Yeah sure, I was in 1st gear at probably 40 MPH and let the clutch out. 6th to 1st in a flash. Gotta love Japanese engineering.
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