Re: It's COLD this morning!
Parked by GZ for the season tonight. :sad: I took it to work every day this week to squeeze in some saddle time before the rains hit and had some GREAT afternoon rides home. But, going TO work? How about 32km at 7C in thick fog? I detoured from my regular route on Tuesday to avoid a known fog bank and got lost in another! My jacket, vest, and shell kept the cold at bay but my hands simply froze. I would get heated gloves or grips if I really wanted to ride in this weather, but it's not my thing. Maybe I'll get them for a x-country trip.
Anyway, it's been a great 1st season of riding!
Lovin' every minute of it.
2005 GZ250 (sold after 26000km)
2013 CB500XA