Originally Posted by dentheman
It certainly is a nice looking bike, and some of the roads around here look like those in the photos. In fact, a LOT of the roads around here look like those. Sometimes my right hip gets a little painful, but I had no problem swinging my leg over a GZ, I don't know about this one. Would it be suitable for a trip of a couple hours down the hiway, or even as much 300 miles one way?
IMHO I would say yes, but a 300 mile day is not something I'd encourage anyone to do regularly on any bike. That's a lot of time in the saddle and, to me anyway, just a tad past the point of fun. If you start early, and take a break every 60 miles or so, it can be done without killing yourself, but it's one I do at the start or the end. 120-170 is plenty in between.
Re climbing on, you don't really swing your leg over - I "push" my knee over and then swing my leg down after my ankle clears the seat. As dh said, I'm gettin' used to it.
Also, I saw a 500cc ninja parked at the dealer today when I picked up my Strat.