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Old 10-06-2010, 11:50 PM   #6
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Re: What the hell....???

As Mark Twain pointed out many years ago, "If you don't like the weather we are having, hang around, it will change." Well guys, the question is not, "Is the climate changing?" Sure it is, it always has been, we go through hot and cold spells about every 15 years, just pull up weather channel record highs and lows and you can see the patterns for the last hundred or so years. The question should be, "Is this caused by humans and if so, can humans do anything to control the changes, and if so, what should they do?" Not sure about that one, I mean, the last ice age came without any human intervention, and so did the last tropical period when ferns were growing up around the Poles (North and South, not Poland). I'm all for reducing our damage to the environment, less pollution, more efficiency in every aspect of our lives and less waste, but it does seem like politicians are just trying to gain more control over the masses and make a load of money at the same time when it comes to promoting the "humans are causing climate change and we can save the world with carbon credits, crap." Just my opinion though, I'm not a scientist, just a moron that needs the governments of the world to look out for my best interest.
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