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Old 10-03-2010, 10:34 AM   #7
Easy Rider
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Re: Is there a "sweet spot" when downshifting?

Originally Posted by chandlerbingfl
For the most part I usually wait till it's barely moving (say approaching a light) before downshifting. As I said sometimes it's clunky other times not... Is this normal?
Good answers so far.

Yes it's "normal" if you insist on shifting that way BUT that's really not good, mechanically or for safety.

It is important that the gear you are in roughly matches the speed you are going.
Starting in 5th, close the throttle. When the engine speed is nearing idle, it's time for 4th; if this is a casual stop, engage the clutch and as the engine slows again, go to 3rd.

The transition from 4-3-2 will probably be fairly quick and there is no real need to engage the clutch in between. The key is don't wait until the very end to make all 4 shifts. Only the last one, 2-1 needs to be at walking speed.

I think that "blipping the throttle" in normal riding is really useful ONLY because it makes you concentrate more on the mechanics of the shift. It is necessary only for "power shifts" at high RPMs......which is kind of a joke with a GZ (and can be dangerous too if your technique is off a bit).
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