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Old 09-24-2010, 02:03 PM   #11
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Re: Selling the 2001 GZ to move up. NJ $1400

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
Very often as you threaten to leave, or as you walk out the door, they will call you back and give in.

The most important thing is to NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THE BIKE. Save that for after the purchase. Always visualize walking, and, practice walking, so it is natural. It really is your primary negotiating tool. Paying cash is good too, that way they know they really have a deal and won't lose it to bad credit. In general, they would just as soon not have your trade, so as someone else said, do all your negotiating first, then mention the trade.

Finally, try to remember that the point of buying something like this is to have fun with it. Yes, you don't want to way over pay, but don't make it a contest your manhood depends on. Personally, even though I am an ex car-salesman, I think endless dickering over a couple hundred dollars is a waste of my time. Do your reseach, pick your price and hit them with it as soon as you get in and tell them you are in a hurry (have to pick up your wife at the airport or something,) and you need a yes or no in five minutes. At five minutes, gather up your stuff and head for the door if you haven't got an answer. If the guy you are dealing with says he can't give you a price, tell him you would like to speak to someone that can or you are leaving immediately. Don't believe any delaying tactics, etc. They know exactly what they can sell every thing they have for. The rest of it is just theater and they are way better at it than you will ever be.

I bought a Honda Fit a month ago in ten minutes. Unfortunately, they had to go get it across town at rush hour and I had to wait three hours to actually get it delivered, but the deal was done ten minutes after I arrived.
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