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Old 09-21-2010, 05:11 AM   #10
Water Warrior 2
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Re: A Brave Boy's Ride - Jawbone OHV Trails (Photo/Video)

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Little Dude has his own Secret Service protection. Reminded me of how I felt the first time I went down a grade on roller blades. Google the Dune mantra that starts with "Fear is the Mind Killer." I used to have it taped over my workstation. Still use it before playing the piano in public. Much scarier than riding the motorcyle on hairy roads.

Got to get me that KTM adventure so I can hit the dirt before my joints are completely shot.
Alan you sure pick on tall expensive bikes. Yeah I know the color is appealing. You might want to take a peek at Suzuki's 400 street legal enduros. Suzuki makes 2 of them(available in the GWN) with one being a bit taller, and more dirt oriented tires with a tad less weight. My personal favorite was the Kaw KDX 200 that I had years ago.
Although times have changed and bikes are better I would not want anything bigger than a 250. With power comes weight as a rule and you will eventually have to pick it up.
As for your joints giving up, never fear. I had and still have a bad back. I found that dirt riding and the body english and muscle toning I experienced off road did wonders for my back. The taller bikes have longer more compliant suspension which is so nice you have to experience it to believe it.
Oh, just did some searching. Check out a Yamaha WR250R. Long legs, light weight and very modern.
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