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Old 09-21-2010, 02:27 AM   #6
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Re: A Brave Boy's Ride - Jawbone OHV Trails (Photo/Video)

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Busy that was a seriously long climb. Not real steep but the length of the trail can tire you and that is where you can make a mistake. Did you notice it is easier going up hill with gravity working for you ? The rear tire is always planted and pushing which makes steering and balancing a lot easier. You could try much shorter hills with more grade to them and experiment with the bike's handling and power. You will of course be limited to the bike's suspension characteristics but a fairly smooth hill will be a lot of fun. When in doubt don't be afraid to twist the throttle, sometimes that is all you need to regain control when you get a little out of shape. Thanks for the update and ride safe.
Thanks, Mr. WW alwasys, and about riding advices.
Yes, it was easier to ride up to the hill, and riding down >> don't ask me, much slower and more fear.
Those hills are STEEP for me... ha ha ha
Honestly, I could not make sure if I and my bike could do before I see the boy and his gangs wented up.
Whew, fortunately, there were no sandy section on the hills.
I'll ride in my skill level, and will try some small adventures too... ha ha ha
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