Thread: Newbie Mistakes
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Old 07-24-2010, 01:34 PM   #5
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Re: Newbie Mistakes

Thanks for sharing!
Not long after I got my licence, I met the family for lunch, parked the bike, fastened the disk lock, had lunch, walked around with them for a couple of hours, and hopped back on the bike to leave. Guess what? I rode away and got about 3 feet before the disk lock hit my forks and I dumped the bike in the street. Luckily, there was no traffic, and as a bonus the 6 people having tea on the patio 1/2 block away didn't seem to notice (I checked, of course). After another little walkabout (same excursion) I put my helmet on and rode ~1/2 hour into town to do some shopping. As I pull into the parking lot I realized that the odd cool feeling on my neck was due to the helmet straps flapping in the breeze. I hadn't fastened them!

So now, I never start up before checking for the disk lock, and my hands don't leave my helmet before I strap up.

Don't worry. As GZ Jess said, a lot of things will become habits. I'm sure I'll relearn a few at the start of next season.
Lovin' every minute of it.

2005 GZ250 (sold after 26000km)
2013 CB500XA

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