Newbie Mistakes
I wanted to share a couple of my newbie mistakes that hopefully others can learn from. I bought my used 2007 GZ250 on April 1, 2010. So far, I have put about 500 miles on it. 300 or so of those miles were in an empty school parking lot on weekends and evenings.
1. During my MSF class (two weeks ago) I dropped the bike down in a slow motion. I was actually using a GZ similar to the one I own. I had two was very kind and encouraging, and the other was a yeller! At one point he was yelling at me to slow up or slow down...I couldn't tell because he was too far away. Anyway, I was slightly turning and shifted up to 2nd gear...but I didn't give it enough the bike stalled and over it went...and I kind of hopped away from it. There was no visible damage...thank goodness! The one teacher just stood there totally disgusted and didn't offer to teach me as to how to lift the bike back up properly.
I still managed to pass the course despite the drop, because I didn't do it during the actual exam. I was so disappointed with myself because I never had that problem when I was learning to ride with my father.
2. After I got my license I went riding with another newbie friend from work (she's the math teacher across the hall from me). After going into a store I forgot to bungee my Cortech tailbag to the bungee nuts on the back. I rode for about 5 miles at 55 miles an hour with the bag just SITTING on the back seat. Imagine my surprise when at the next stop I see the bungees just dangling down!! Lesson learned: never rush to get started with a fellow rider. Slow down and make sure everything is properly tied down and you're geared up.
3. When to the jewelry store yesterday to drop a necklace off for repair. Almost forgot to put the side stand down! I remember starting to swing my leg over the bike and wondering why it seemed heavy and was leaning! I put the stand down in time!
These situations remind me of how new I am to riding and how much more I have to learn on my GZ. I do love operating my own bike, but it's so relaxing to just be the passenger. The few times I've ridden on the back of my dad's Harley I just zone out and feel the wind on my face. I am looking forward to putting many more miles on my GZ and learning new lessons every time I venture out on the road!
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