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Old 07-22-2010, 04:44 PM   #10
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: burnsville, mn
Posts: 13
Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Thanks for all the replies! Actually I'm looking for gear online for a nice price and stumbled on this link: ... 90903.html

The price seems reasonable. What do you guys think?

And I really like my saddlebags - THANKS for noticing :cool: (found them on the forum).. only downside is that since they are so large it is easy to put something in one bag that throws the balance off on the bike, which can make it kinda sticky. Seems if I put to much weight on the side without the exhaust - it makes stopping kind of wonky. That seems to not be the issue if it is vice versa though. Odd.... O_o

My gz also seems to have the front brake squealing issue when pressed to a certain amount and then when I press harder it goes away. That is the one and only issue that I dislike and wish I could solve. Anyone else experience this? (It has done this since about mile 400 on the bike). I'm not hard on the bike so I don't feel it is anything self inflicted. I read in one forum at least one rider with this issue, but is it REALLY common?
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