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Old 07-16-2010, 10:20 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: burnsville, mn
Posts: 13
joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Hi, I'm a long time reader of this forum and thought I would post my bike on here since I like the bike as much as this forum(just kidding - more). I found this site about a year ago and it helped me decide which bike to purchase, how to change the oil and a variety of other things including where to get the best accessories. I bought an '06 last April with 207 miles and currently have almost 1,600. This bike has been a blast, although I hate to admit I had a little spill in a parking lot due to gravel at around 300 miles (Tough lesson that really shook me up. I fixed the bike up and it looks like new with parts from, except for a small ding in the tank I can't seem to get all the way out with even a dingking). I just drove through a downpour last week and didn't seem to have any problems except getting very wet - despite every effort from my cheap and useless rain gear... time to upgrade. My future plan is to buy a V-Star 650, but I'm in no hurry. This plan will most likely end up on hold though, since I will be getting married next spring. I'd like to thank everyone for their useful information in these forums - it has really helped me out a lot! My favorite thread is the one from seventigers, who converted his gz into a bobber. That is really cool! BTW, I always wear a helmet- I am just posing for the picture. I know how you guys are, so I thought I'd throw that out there.

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