Thread: Gear Shifting
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Old 07-03-2010, 03:43 PM   #15
Easy Rider
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Re: Gear Shifting

Originally Posted by zenbutcher
Instead of shifting at 4-5000 rpms, I'll take it up to what I feel like is 6500 or more. Now, the little bike is screaming, but I'm coming around to the idea that motorcycle engines are meant to scream.
You're pushing the envelope. You might get away with it for a long time and you might NOT too.
Single and twin cylinder "long stroke" engines are NOT meant to "scream". Their most efficient power generation is with low to medium end torque.....not screaming horsepower.

If you want to see a small engine that IS designed for screaming high end horsepower, ride a Ninja 250 sometime. I think someone said that the red line was something like 14,000 rpm......and it will scream along at 12,000 all day long.

Like I mentioned before, we've only had two riders come here and report engine failures (not counting things like "no oil"). One liked to make it "scream" before every shift and the other ran his for long periods at 80 or slightly above. Since you seem to be doing both, I wouldn't want to give odds on the longevity of your engine. It was NOT designed to be riden that way.
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