Thanks for the GZ250 fiche parts list and info, this will certainly come in handy.
If anyone requires the fiche parts list for a GZ125 (I know this forum is predominantly aimed at 250 owners but there is a serious lack of resource and discussion regarding the 125 and I think this definately worth posting) I use these guys:
So I've compared parts on a GZ250 to that of a GZ125 and although the look VERY VERY similar the part numbers are actually different for the tank and front fender. However, although the part numbers are different for the tank, the tank's mounting cushions, bolts etc share the same part numbers. It probably is possible to fit the 250 tank onto a 125 provided of course the 250 chassis is the same as the 125 along the top!
As for the fender, I presumed the 250 might have a different part number because maybe the 250's wheels were different bigger perhaps, but they're actually the same as the 125. I wonder what else is the same??
Obviously their engines and engine mounts are different, plus their exhausts etc. Problem is I'm having trouble getting good condition 125 parts but I can get 250 parts (bizarrely). If it is possible to fit 250 parts onto a 125 and vice versa could make acquiring parts far easier.
Your thoughts on any of the above would be greatly appreciated.
PS. I "offed" pretty bad, some twat decided to do a u-turn across three lanes of traffic... totally wrote off the front end of my bike, this has now been rebuilt bar the front fender. The tank took a beating too, got a dent the size of my fist in it! Works fine though, just looks like hell.