Re: My first bike
For most of the world's population a 250cc bike is big. Untold thousands throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America use 100cc and 125cc machines for daily transportation, and do just fine. In Guatemala I've often seen families of 3 and even 4 getting around on a 125. Admittedly it's not the safest way to ride, but they get around!
The GZ is an excellent motorcycle for anyone who wants a cheap and reliable basic motorcycle that is easy to ride and maintain. It's not the best choice for long trips or highways, but apart from that it readily serves most purposes just fine.
The key to fully enjoying it is being secure and independent enough to not follow the crowd (or the ego) and get more than one really needs. I suspect that hospitals (and cemeteries) are filled with poor souls who allowed peer pressure or Freudian insecurities to push them onto machines that were far beyond their needs or their skills.
"What are you rebelling against, Johnny..?"