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Old 09-27-2007, 06:57 PM   #3
Easy Rider
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Re: Max Cruising Speed for GZ250

Originally Posted by steve
About 5 miles of my daily commute is on the highway and I feel like the max speed that I can comfortably cruise at for 5 miles without putting too much stress on the engine is about 60-65mph. Since the average speed of the cars around me is more like 70-75mph it kind of sucks.
Yep, it sucks alright.

As long as you keep current with the maintenance (oil, chain, etc.) I don't see any problem with running at 70......if you can maintain it. Like you, however, don't think I will ever do that 'cause I just can't get used to the sounds the engine makes at that speed !!

As much as I hate to say it, I think you need to do one of three things: Find a different route to work that doesn't involve the "highway" (yes, it will take longer, probably)
Get a slightly bigger bike.
Move to an area where people actually OBSERVE the speed limit. Washington state and Indiana (except maybe for Indy) are two I know about.
Loud pipes risk rights!

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