Thread: gz250 mileage
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Old 06-03-2010, 11:49 AM   #11
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Villa Rica, GA
Posts: 14
Re: gz250 mileage

Well, I finally ran out of gas last night at 274.9 (See picture) then switched to Reserve and only got about 1 mile before it started sputtering (Thank god, I was right at a gas station, so I whipped it in and filled it up with 3.7 gallons)

Soooo, if I reset the odometer correctly the last time I filled up, which I believe I did, then I got 275 miles out of that tank of gas... 275 divided by 3.7=74.32 MPG...woohoo!!! :2tup:

BTW, This is a 2001 GZ250 if that tank size is different from other years.

I'm going to try this again with the full tank of gas I have now, I DID RESET TO ZERO when I filled it up with 3.7 gallons of Chevron 87 with Techron

BTW, I'm a WOMAN :neener: but I haven't been driving downhill in Neutral, but I haven't been Driving It Like I Stole It either, just normal city driving back and forth to work (30 miles each way)
Dana (36 yr old female)
Villa Rica, GA
2001 Suzuki GZ250
I paid $800 cash for it - only had 1,490 miles
2009 Kawasaki Vulcan 500

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