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Old 05-11-2010, 09:43 PM   #4
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Va Beach
Posts: 2
Re: New owner as of TODAY

She started on a Rebel but that seemed too high and heavy for her (she's 5-1). They moved her to a Kawi Eliminator. I had to convince her tonight that the GZ was no higher and only slightly heavier than the Kawi. After sitting on it, she found that this actually fits her better. I'm sure she'll find that the controls are much better now. The bikes we used were all pretty beat up. I had a nighthawk and the friction zone was the last 1/2 inch of the clutch and the throttle twisted 30 degrees before doing anything. I passed but it wasn't pretty. She was pretty stressed out during the class which played into it a lot.

Anyway - we are now both owners. Time to get her new bike out to the school parking lot.

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